

I remember when I was younger how exciting it was to get out of school and hit Summer vacation.  Normally June through August was a wild time of family trips, getting together with friends, or diving into a Summer job.

Family trips were either driving to Florida or over to Mississippi to visit grandparents.  From trips to Disney or just the beach, to enjoying my grandmother's cooking - Summer meant a real downshift in the speed of our lives.  It was a chance to try and learn something new, spend time with family/friends, or find your peace.

As I have a few miles on me, I remember when our highway system was not totally connected everywhere.  Going to Grandmother's house used to take six hours or more.  Once all the roads were finished, the time was decreased to a little over four hours.  Seems like as we improve efficiency, we get faster and faster.  I spent so many miles looking out the back of a station wagon - yes, looking backwards.  This was before the dawn of the minivan.  As the youngest of the brood, it was my lot in life to be all the way in the backseat.  It was my own secluded spot.

Not too many family trips anymore.  Siblings have their own families and everyone's lives are moving a thousand miles an hour.  Hopefully, they are making their own memories of family time.

Shaving might be the same as those long rides in the back of the Vista Cruiser, but it still gives me a moment to put the brakes on life - if just for a moment or two.

Take time for you.  Spend time with family and friends.  Enjoy your Summer break!