The Autumn Leaves
Welcome to Autumn!
We have made it through the dog days of Summer - all the heat and humidity is slowly moving out and making way for those cool mornings.
It is amazing how weather can impact your day and your mindset. Too hot? You feel sluggish and icky, Too cold? You feel agitated and irritable. Too humid? You feel as the world is pressing you down.
These times between seasons can be trying, but there is some comfort in knowing we are moving along is the way things are supposed to go.
Here at Dr. Mike's we are ramping up the event season. As we have some delicate and temperature sensitive products, we have to be careful when setting up an outdoor shop. While carrying our artisan made shave soaps, aftershaves, and beard care items, the heat and sunshine will do a real number on them.
Over the last week here in Atlanta we had a dramatic shift in our high temps. We had a 94 degree Thursday, followed by an 82 degree Friday, then barely an 80 degree Saturday. Sunday was a cool morning with a few sprinkles of rain (but not enough to cause trouble).
We enjoyed the opportunity to setup at the Oakland Cemetery "Sunday in the Park" Victorian event. There were a few snafus getting setup, but we were able to get the big purple tent (BPT) up and the shop cranking.
Oakland was where way back in 2015 we did our very first Dr. Mike's event. It was a bit scary - but then again doing anything the first time can be nerve-wracking. After that day, we realized we had something special with our little piece of the shave world.
As the many seasons have progressed, we have moved along with them. Trimmed some overgrowth here and there, added new lines, and most of all cultivated many new friends and supporters.
Now, where's my pumpkin spice latte!?
Harrumph and Huzzah!
Dr. Mike