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Doing Hard Time - or "With friends like these..."
Take a little time for yourself. Spend time with friends. Make sure the jail door doesn't lock behind you on the tour.
The Dog Days of Summer
Waiting to Fall in Autumn. See what I did there?
What are your favorite Fall fragrances?
Getting our punk on
Greenville Punk and Proud Pops!
We stopped in Greenville, SC for the SE Punk Flea Market!
I remember when I was younger how exciting it was to get out of school and hit Summer vacation. Normally June through August was a wild time of family trips, getting together with friends, or diving into a Summer job. Family trips were either driving to Florida or over to Mississippi to visit grandparents. From trips to Disney or just the beach, to enjoying my grandmother's cooking - Summer meant a real downshift in the speed of our lives. It was a chance to try and learn something new, spend time with family/friends, or find your peace. As I have...