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We were looking forward to a good weekend of markets, but Ol' Man Winter decided to throw a wrench into the plans.  A strong line of thunderstorms swept through Saturday morning/early afternoon.  Our market organizer was watching the weather and made a tough decision to cancel our Saturday show (No moved to this coming Sunday). We took the time to get restocked and organized.  Sunday was our return to the Bizarre Bazaar at The Imperial.  One of our favorite locations - the food is amazing, and the crowd really enjoys the market. They had a children's book reading during the...

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Atlanta to Birmingham to Huntsville to Birmingham to Atlanta (With many cups of coffee) When sales are moving along, you sometimes have to go out of your way to make sure the best products are available for your customers.  On Thursday, I decided to make a quick trip over the border to Alabama to meet with Carrie from Soap Commander and Jason from Furry Hippie Beard Company.  We needed a full restock from Carrie, and a few extra items from Jason.  Made great time and was able make it to Huntsville in time to run over to Soap Commander HQ...

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Oh the weather outside is frightful - but Dr. Mike's is so delightful!

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This last week was a great continuation of our Shopify transition, a whirlwind trip to Universal Studios Orlando, and an incredible Goblin Market. Shopificiation Shopify continues to impress with the integration with other online systems - the Facebook, the Instagram, and even the Google!  Behind the scenes, the analytics really help dial in how to make our shop better and better. Quick Trip! On Tuesday, my big sister (and merchandising specialist) Julie and I hit the highway to spend a day at our favorite theme park - Universal Studios Orlando.  The weather was just about perfect - Sunny and cool. ...

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A whirlwind of events and technological improvements

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